
October 27, 2022- Burpee Palooza

Each minute do the assigned number of burpees
Min 1. 5
Min 2. 11
3. 15
4. 2
5. 20
6. 4
7. 1
8. 14
9. 10
10. 18
11. 0
12. 0
13. 0
14. 8
15. 7
16. 19
17. 13
18. 3
19. 16
20. 9
21. 17
22. 6
23. 12
Your score will be the number of burpees you miss (goal is zero!) So if there is a minute when you might not make the full reps assigned, get as many done as you can during that minute to keep your score as low as possible.

Compare your previous score here.