
May 4, 2023

1. Max Set of Unbroken Pull Ups (Kipping or Butterfly)

2. Then, 3 sets of 1/2 of your max set w/ 60 seconds rest between sets

*For example: your max set is 20 reps kipping. Then, you’ll do 3 sets of 10 unbroken reps kipping pull ups w/ 1 reps between sets)

B. For Time:
3 Rounds of Cindy
1 Round of DT (155/105)
2 Rounds of Cindy
1 Round of DT
1 Rounds of Cindy
1 Round of DT

1 Round Cindy= 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats
1 Round DT= 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Cleans, 6 Push Jerk (155/105)