
July 8th, 2016 – Bradshaw


10 rounds for time of:
3 Handstand push-ups
6 Deadlift (225/155)
12 Pull Ups
24 Double-unders
*18 min time cap*


U.S. Army First Lieutenant Brian Bradshaw, 24, of Steilacoom, Washington, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Fort Richardson, Alaska, died in Kheyl, Afghanistan, on June 25th, 2009, from wounds suffered when insurgents detonated a roadside bomb near his vehicle. He is survived by his parents, Paul and Mary, and brother Robert.

Box News:
– We will be starting an 8 week Summer Challenge on Monday, July 18!
Click here for details!

– Is anyone interested in doing a Dexa Body Scan or Blood Test? (This is not required for the challenge ? )
We have been in contact with Dexa Body and they have a mobile unit that they can bring to Logan to do tests for us! We need a commitment of 20 or more, so we need to know what interest there is before we confirm a date. As of now, it’s tentatively scheduled for next Friday the 15th. It would be a before and after package, so they would come up that Friday and then again at the end of our challenge. The cost will be $87 total for before and after. If you’d like just a one time test, the cost would be $47. DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry) is research grade technology which provides accurate and precise measurement of body fat, lean mass, and bone density. Check out their site for more information and to see a sample report: http://dexabody.com/bodycomp.html

Please comment on here, FB, or text Cerissa so we can set a firm date if you’re interested. Thanks!!